Documentary Film Series

Film Director, Kathleen Lowson, brings the fur trade out of the obscure abyss into the international spotlight in her critically-acclaimed Documentary Film Series CRY OF THE INNOCENT: The Voices That Can’t Speak, which elicits a spiritual perspective to a dark subject, to awaken humanity from a deeper level of the psyche.  Through the heart and vision of the Director, we become intimately connected with the innocent victims of the fur trade and experience firsthand their angst, victimization, defenselessness and suffering from the soul level.  The film series’ cast of nonhuman animals illuminate the way to help heal the spiritual crisis of our planet.

This precedent-setting Film Series reveals the truth of an egocentric and morally corrupt society responsible for the holocaust of nonhuman animals around the globe, who die agonizing deaths in silence every year.  The global fur trade takes the lives of over 100 MILLION fur-bearing animals per year, including man’s best friend and feline companion. This annual count does not include rabbits, which the UN reports to be at least 1 BILLION killed for their skin every year.

This critically-acclaimed Film Series has screened around the globe with international press reviews, including groundbreaking television news coverage in China, the world’s largest exporter of animal skins and the mecca of the cat and dog fur trade, breaking through the ‘iron curtain’ of media control in China and bringing this largely unknown animal protection issue into the international spotlight.

Soul is not a thing to be worn, bought or sold.

This powerful Film Series conveys a spiritually evocative message, bridging the link to cruelty through the soul connection.  Interwoven within the fabric of powerful imagery, the films move the viewing audience to free its vision from the body’s eyes to see with the eyes of the soul, evolving society to make conscious and compassionate choices.

Stylized from a revelatory point of view, the films enter the world of the fur trade in an intimate way rather than investigate the facts from an impersonal point of view.  On a broader level, the films address the egocentrism and greed that perpetuate the holocaust of nonhuman animals around the globe and bring to light the consequential effect of violence in our society.

This powerful Documentary Film Series will leave an indelible imprint on the soul of humanity, intuitively evolving the collective consciousness toward compassion and reverence for all life.


Production Specifications:  Documentary Film Series (ongoing)

Cast: The innocent victims of the fur trade.  We become intimately connected with these sentient beings and experience firsthand their angst, victimization, defenselessness and suffering from the soul level.




We rely on donations to produce these films and make them available for free online viewing.  We cannot do this important work without your support.  Every donation counts. Thank you on behalf of all nonhuman animals around the globe, who are counting on us to be their voice and expose the truth to set them free.


“Extraordinary, a brave and vitally important piece of work.”

“Riveting!!”…  “Wow, powerful and gripping!”

“A documentary unlike any other about animal cruelty.”

“Very deeply affecting.”

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